Saturday, May 16, 2009

What I thought of OTH 6.23

I LOVED this episode!! The past couple that weren't that great are absolutly worth it now that I see that it was leading up to this!!

Lucas/Peyton-Their vows were beautiful! I'm actually glad it wasn't a huge swanky wedding cause they were all so comfortable and goofy with each other cause it was a small intimate wedding. I thought it was perfect that Haley officiated the wedding cause no one else knows Lucas the way she does and could add in the swwet story about their "prediction boxes", and I love her goofiness! I also loved seeing all 5 of them up there, it reminded me of the old days when the main focus was actually on them! LP had me crying the whole time through the vows, the first dance, and then the heartbreaking ending The promo for the finale looks so sad.

Brooke/Julian-I loved how they were trying to make each other jealous! Brooke in this epi really reminded me of how she used to be back in HS. I'm glad she wasn't like crying the whole time. And then the end I wish she would just love him and let him love her!!!
The scene with Julian and Victoria was pure brilliance! It makes me love Julian 8901748972481947319748391 times more!!! He's such an amazing guy and SO perfect for Brooke! I wish she was like standing in the back and heard everything he said! And Austin pulled was AWESOME tonight! As he is every night! But tonight, he came out with his ALL! I mean he had the serious and the comedic just flowing from him! Is it possible he got hotter since the last time he was on?

Nathan/Haley- One word: HOT! lol I thought their "scene" was going to be longer though lol I hope Nathan gets out of his slump soon! It was really sad when he said "I'm tired of failing."


-It was definate forshadowing when Brooke said something along the lines of "And if you don't shut up I'm going to turn your dress red..." It was something like that. I hope this is a sign the writers are starting to get some of their creativity back.

-Despite the amazingness of this episode, Mia and Chase still bore me and freak me out a little. Apart, they're awesome, but together it's just..ehh. And even though I didn't want her to sing the first dance song, it didn't even matter anymore cause LP were together and happy. Also, I really enjoyed the songs "Sweet Silver Lining" and "99 Times".