Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So this is what bitter-sweet feels like..

Well, I just found out that OTH was picked up for a 7th season.

However, my favorite character/actress won't be returning..Along with the other half of my favorite couple on the show: Leyton.

I've pretty much been rooting for a 7th season forever now, even while knowing that Chad might not return and it could be the end of Leyton. However, now sources have said that Hilarie won't be returning either!?? I have to say, when I read that my heart seriously dropped..

And about the "bitter-sweet" thing, the bitter definatly is outweighing the sweet.

Not only am I going to miss the character, Peyton, because she's the one character that I could relate to. Everyone looked at her as the popular, pretty, cheerleader, when that's not how she saw herself. And she knew that's not at all what she was. She was a girl who's been through some major shit and pulled through by the 2 things that truly made her happy. Music and Art. I got through some really tough times and learned some really great things from OTH, but Peyton in particular.

And Hilarie Burton is an amazing actress, and even though I really am sad she's leaving the show, it's still good that she's gonna work on other projects. She's a really talented person, and

Hilarie, if you ever read this, It sucks you're not coming back to OTH next season but I'm still behind you're other projects 110% and wish you great luck with all your SoGoPro endeavors, and anything else you go do! I know I seem a upset about you leaving but I just really love the show and I'm still entitled to my teenage angst moments for at least the next 3 years, so bear with me :)

The fact that 2 out of the 5 core actors are leaving before the show itself even ends is definatly a major sign that the show is probably gonna end next season, and picturing the show as an hourglass..It's sad to see the days are numbered
